中国石化新闻网讯 据1月18日offshore energy消息:美国能源部化石能源办公室将拨款1.6亿美元用于改善化石制氢的生产、运输、储存和利用。
冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy
DOE to assign $160M to fossil-based hydrogen projects
The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy will allocate $160 million to projects to improve fossil-based hydrogen production, transport, storage and utilization.
The US will authorize finances for advanced technologies for improvement of performance reliability and flexibility of methods to produce hydrogen.
This is to help recalibrate the vast fossil-fuel and power infrastructure for decarbonized energy and commodity production in the US. According to cost data in a recent DOE/FE Hydrogen Strategy Document, Fossil fuels are the lowest cost pathway for producing hydrogen. Low-cost hydrogen sourced from fossil energy feedstocks and processes is expected to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the processes and enable progress toward hydrogen production with net-zero carbon emissions.