写稿 投稿
作者:官方 来源:互联网 所属栏目:展览资讯 发布时间:2021-01-08 10:35
[ 导读 ]氢燃料电池厂家,就找兴邦能源,15年氢能燃料电池研发生产制造经验,欢迎来电咨询!



  Jiangsu Xingbang Energy Technology Company Limited was founded in 2015, at the nationally designated New Technology Development Area in Yancheng, Jiangsu. The company specializes in hydrogen fuel cell technologies, specifically the research and development, production and sales of hydrogen fuel cell stack components, hydrogen fuel cell stacks, hydrogen fuel cell modules, hydrogen fuel cell stack test stations, hydrogen fuel cell module test stations, as well as hydrogen fuel cell system integration. Jiangsu Xingbang has a world-class international research and development department.

  As a company, we value honesty and integrity in our research and development activities. We endeavour to do our best towards utmost quality in our products and customer satisfaction in our engineering services. We further believe, as a company, we should champion the wellbeing of humanity as a whole, as well as the wellbeing of our planet. Our commercial goal is to become one of the technological leaders, both within China and internationally, in hydrogen fuel cell power plants.

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